Jira User Stories


User Stories

Represents a requirement expressed from the perspective of the user.

image about agile user story best practices
image about agile user story best practices


user story roles

As a [role],


Identify the role or persona of the user who will benefit from the story. This could be a specific user, a user group, or even a system.

I want [goal/desire],


Describe what the user wants to achieve or the specific functionality they require. Focus on the user's needs and avoid technical implementation details.

so that [benefit/value].


Explain the value or benefit that the user will gain from the implementation of the story. This helps to provide context and prioritize the user story.

Acceptance Criteria

Specific conditions that must be met for a user story to be considered complete and implemented successfully.

image explaining accetence criteria

Given that [some context],

Use the given keyword to describe the context for a business behavior. For instance: “I am a Visa Classic Cardholder"

when [some action is carried out],

Describes the action required in order to produce the output, i.e. “I pay with my Visa Classic”

then [a set of observable outcomes should occur].

Describes the expected output, i.e. “My Visa is accepted”

3C's Of Effective User Stories

In a round-robin fashion, each team member answers three main questions

image explaining three C's of effective user story


A user story is written on a card, typically an index card. This helps to keep the story concise.


This conversation helps to clarify the requirements of the story and to identify any potential risks or challenges.


Once the conversation is complete, the story is confirmed. This confirmation can be done by the team lead.

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